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New Offering! Leadership Through Coaching: A 5-part professional Development Series
5 sessions beginning Thursday, September 7th, 2023
$600 per person (includes 5 workshops of content + practice and 1 optional mentor coaching session for each participant with Jim)
Thursdays: Sept 7, 14, 21, 28, Oct 5
Deadline to register: August 31st
The essence of coaching is:
- asking powerful questions that allow your employees and co-workers to reach their potential
- empowering them to find their own solutions to problems rather than you doing all the problem solving
- connecting with your employees on a deeper level
- building self awareness and self efficacy within employees
- showing them that you care
Heighten your relationship with employees through the skill of coaching. This method of leadership requires leaders to ask questions to guide employees and co-workers through obstacles and barriers, and/or reach their professional goals. This is a specialized style of working with employees and co-workers to improve overall organizational performance and satisfaction.
Coaching can be developed into a daily habit that can happen on the fly, in 5 minutes, and woven into weekly meetings. The results produce employees and co-workers who are empowered to solve problems and to find their own way.
This is offered as a practical workshop series for those leaders who want to be better.
To register: email with any questions and to secure your spot. Payment due at time of registration (check or venmo).
What if I have to miss a session? I will hold make-up sessions the morning of the following session from 7:30-8:30am. I don’t want participants to miss out on anything!
What is the mentor coaching session about? You and I will meet at your favorite coffee shop/brewery or by phone to discuss how you are incorporating coaching into your leadership practice. You get coaching on your coaching!
How will I learn about coaching as a tool for leadership? During the two hour timeframe, we will discuss some of the tools of coaching, then we will practice the tools with each other. That’s right! You get free coaching sessions each meeting! You’ll thank me at the end of the program. At the beginning of each subsequent day, we will reflect on what worked and what did not work in our applications of the coaching tools.
Can this program really help me to become a better leader? I truly believe it can. and the research backs it up. (just google “Coaching as a Tool for Leadership”) I have had people say that it also made them a better spouse, partner, friend, colleague, etc.)
Other Offerings
please note that all offerings are personalized to your needs.
Additionally, every option below begins with a complimentary session / conversation
to talk through options and to see if we are a good fit for each other.
Individualized Leadership Coaching Packages
Leadership coaching is the process of discovering your own obstacles to success through identifying behaviors that block progress, and working to understand and remove those barriers. You deserve to put attention inward to cultivate your own best self that allows for growth and confidence.
Where in your life could you be more impactful if the proper attention and intention were put to improving it? Or are there opportunities to strengthen your organization by investing in an employee’s leadership? Consider a Leadership Coaching Package with Ridgeline Leadership (logo as RL Leadership text and link to website)
The Leadership Coaching Package includes:
● an initial conversation & identification of a leadership goal or skill to enhance (see common topics below)
● 8 individualized coaching sessions over the course of 4 months+/-**
● access to additional email communication, resources and phone calls in between sessions
● access to ongoing leadership coaching beyond 8 sessions for a reduced cost
● option to add Clifton Strengths assessment & interpretation of results for only $100 (normally a $300 value) to discover your top 5 personal strengths and how to maximize those in your personal and professional life
An exploratory, complimentary conversation is welcomed to make sure coaching would be a worthwhile experience for you and to ensure we are a good fit.
Coaching can occur over coffee, through zoom, while walking or hiking, etc.
Common topics tackled through Leadership Coaching:
Dealing with feeling overwhelmed and busy ⦁ Speaking more effectively in group settings ⦁ Sorting through challenges and change ⦁ Getting a handle on priorities ⦁ Improving organizational climate and culture ⦁ Organizing and starting new projects ⦁ Pre-thinking difficult conversations ⦁ Improving team meetings ⦁ Creating a personal, values-driven mission statement ⦁ Being an effective supervisor ⦁ Becoming a better listener ⦁ Getting off to a great start in a new job ⦁ Working through self-imposed restraints ⦁ Balancing work and family
And the list goes on … and on …
Team Development & GRoup Retreats
Time is precious. And so is money. A skilled facilitator can make all the difference in a team-building experience or a retreat-style meeting with your team. An outside facilitator also allows all members of the organization at any level to be fully involved in the discussion & have full participation in the event; an important, invisible advantage for group cohesion.
Focused, intentional time together can establish the culture you desire as you:
Grow relationships and strengthen your team through intentional conversations and team-building initiatives
Discuss and advance specific objectives & action items
Get your team thinking creatively to enact new ideas and re-invent processes
Grow morale and understanding through establishing shared values and behaviors that model those values
Tackle difficult conversations and move through the tougher times together … and emerge stronger
Any or all of the above
From a 1/2 day retreat to a multi-day team experience, your time will be maximized to achieve your specific goals. With thoughtful attention to your outcomes, we will work together to design an experience that is engaging, purposeful, enjoyable and important for your team.
Staff retreats are highly customized & flexible; let’s start a conversation.
Learning the skill of coaching can transform the way you lead.
Leadership Coaching workshops for Advisers, Managers & Supervisors
Discover the growing art of leadership coaching and learn how to use this specialized skill to better develop those you supervise or advise. Group workshops can be conducted in full day or multi-day formats and can accommodate numerous learners at one time. Training is a combination of principles, techniques, and one-on-one practice. Prices are based on a combination of time and number of anticipated attendees.